Research Talks & Presentations
Invited Talks / Seminars
Boskovic, I. (August, 2024). Symptom Coaching and Symptom Validity Tests: Disaster or a Challenge? 1st Congress on Credibility Assessment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Boskovic, I. (Jun, 2024). Forenzički psiholozi: Ko smo i Ko nismo [Forensic psychologists: Who we are and who we are not]. KSP TraNSfer, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Boskovic, I. (May, 2024). Forenzička psihologija: Detekcija Fabrikovanih Simptoma [Forensic Psychology: Detection of Fabricated Symptoms]. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
Boskovic, I. (March, 2024). Detekcija Fabrikovanih Simptoma [Detection of Fabricated Symptoms]. Institute of Mental Health, Belgrade, Serbia.
Boskovic, I. (Septembar, 2023). Symptom Validity Assessment: Current Trends and Ongoing Hiccups. University of Turin, Italy.
Boskovic, I. (May, 2023). Šta je Forensizička Psihologija [What is forensic psychology]? University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
Boskovic, I. (November, 2022). Malingering: Can it Be Prevented? Deception Research Society, UK.
Boskovic, I. (October, 2022). Negative and Positive Response Bias in Symptom Validity Assessment. University of Turin, Italy.
Boskovic, I. (March, 2022). Malingering and All That: Alternative Ways to Detect Feigning? Maastricht University, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (December, 2021). When You Fake That Headache – You Think We Cannot Tell? University of Leiden, Psychology Students Union, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (October, 2021). (In)Consistency of Fabricated Symptoms. XIII Congreso (Inter)Nacional de Psicología Jurídica y Forense, Spain.
Boskovic, I. (December 2020). Fabrication of symptoms. Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (September, 2019). Deception In the Consultation Room: When You Fake That Headache – You Think We Cannot Tell? Pleasure, Art, & Science Festival, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (August, 2019). Severe Lies and False Symptoms. Summer School, Faculty of Law, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Boskovic, I. (May, 2019). Malingering and How to Detect It. Future Research Day, Faculty of psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (October, 2018). When Honesty is Not the Best Policy. European Congress of Insurance claims professionals, EUMAAS. Keynote lecture, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Boskovic, I. (Jun, 2017). The Verifiability Approach to Malingered Physical Symptoms. Presentation, 5th Symptom Validity Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
Conference Talks
Boskovic, I. (July, 2024). Faking Behaviour and the Dark Tetrad. European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Portugal.
Boskovic, I. (July, 2023). The Spectrum of Response Bias in Trauma Reports: The Exaggerated, Hidden, and Undecided. Symposium. European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Romania.
Boskovic, I. (March, 2022). Symptom Coaching and Symptom Validity Tests. Presentation. Society for Personality Assessment (USA).
Boskovic, I. (Jun, 2021). How plausible is the implausible. Presentation. European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL).
Boskovic, I. (Jun, 2020). Sympom fabrication over time. Presentation. Zoom Psychology & Law Symposium (ZPLS).
Boskovic, I. (July, 2019). It hurts all the time: Symptom stability among truth tellers and feigners. Presentation, European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Boskovic, I. (June, 2018). Verify the scene, report the symptoms: Applying Verifiability Approach and the SRSI to the PTSD claims. Presentation, European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Turku, Finland.
Boskovic, I., Biermans, A., Jelicic, M., Hope, L., & Merckelbach, H. (May, 2017). Stroop performance and symptom endorsement in feigning test anxiety. Presentation, European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Mechelen, Belgium.
Boskovic, I., Miloscin, S., Morokvasic, I., Novovic, Z. (October, 2013). Indikatori agresivnosti na Rorschachovom testu mrlja kod pocinilaca krivicnih dela (Indicators of Aggression on the Rorschach Inkblot Test in Male Offenders). Symposium within the Scientific Conference “Modern Trends in Psychology”, Novi Sad 11th-13th October. University of Novi sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology. Book summaries 61- 62. ISBN 987-86-6065-174-9.
Tovilovic, S., Biro, M., Boskovic, I. (July, 2013). Subthreshold Anxiety Symptoms in High-Trait Anxiety Individuals (HTA): Closer to Generalized Anxiety (GAD) of Social Phobia (SP)? 34th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference, 1st- 3rd July. Faro, Portugal.
Boskovic, I., Garovic, D., Novovic, Z. (March, 2013). Efekti psiholoskog i bioloskog opisa schizofrenije na socijalnu distancu (The Effect of Psychological and Biological Description of Schizophrenia on Social Distance). Conference “Empirical Research in Psychology”, Belgrade, 25th-28th March, University of Belgrade, faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Book summary pages 179-180. ISBN 978-86-88803-26-7.
Boskovic, I. (2012). Bihejvioralna inhibicija: Veza izmedju dimenzije temperamenta i simptoma poremecaja (Behavioral Inhibition: Relationship Between Dimensions of Temperament and Symptom of the Disorder). 5th Meeting of Students from Former Yugoslavia, “Transfer of Knowledge”, Novi Sad, 16th- 18th November, University of Novi sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Collection of Abstracts pages 21- 22.
Boskovic, I., Samac, N., Sokic, J., Mihic, Lj. (2012). Validacija Retrospektivne Mere Bihejvioralne Inhibicije (RMBI) (Validation of Retrospective Measures of Behavioral Inhibition (RMBI)). Student Scientific Conference “Sarajevo’s days of psychology”, Sarajevo, 20th-21st April, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology, Book summary, pages 76-77.
Jovanovic, V., Vukobrat, S., Brdaric, D., Boskovic, I. (2011). Neuroticizam, Usamljenost, i zadovoljstvo zivotom: sta sad humor ima sa tim? (Neuroticism, Loneliness, and Life Satisfaction: What Humor Has To Do With It?). International Scientific Conference “20th Days of Ramiro and Zoran Bujas” Zagreb, 7th-9th April, University of Zagreb, faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology. Book Summary page 116. ISBN 978-953-175-391-3.
Poster Presentations
Boskovic, I. (July, 2024). Verifiability of Sexual Assault Reports: Genuine reports, False Allegations, and False Denials. European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Portugal.
Boskovic, I., van der Heide, D., Hope, L., Merckelbach, H., & Jelicic, M. (Jun, 2017). Odd stays odd: Cross-cultural stability of atypical symptoms. Poster presentation, 5th Symptom Validity Conference, Basel, Switzerland.
Boskovic, I., Bogaard, G., Merckelbach, H, Vrij, A., Hope, L. (July, 2016). The Verifiability Approach to malingering physical symptoms: Just let them talk. Poster presentation at European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), Toulouse, France.
Boskovic, I., Kalaj, V. (October, 2011). EXIT vs. Gucha. International Scientific Conference “Modern trends in Psychology”, Novi Sad, 14th-16th October. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Psychology.